Interview Round-up

For classrooms using Caminar, I’ve been posting a few interview round-ups. Here’s another installment:


Check out an interview with the Book Cellar here. Snippet question:

They are always coming out with new editions of board games. If your book could be a special edition of any board game, which would you choose?

You can read another interview about Caminar over at Smack Dab in the Middle. Snippet question:

Was Caminar always for middle grade readers or not? If so, why did you choose middle grade? If not, what had to change for it to be considered a middle grade novel? 

I talk to the VCFA Launchpad over here. (VCFA=greatest MFA program out there=life-changing place for me.) Snippet question:

What was the most difficult element to cut/change during the revision process and why?

Finally, the magnificent Julie Larios and I have a chat over at Poetry for Children. Snippet question:

What do you think poetry can do to a reader, and what can fiction do, and what can the verse novel do that is distinct from either of these?

Stay tuned! More interview round-ups coming soon! In the mean time, you can find links to the other ones here and here.