
So remember how I was madly trying to finish a novel?

Well, I did it. Not exactly by the date I was hoping to finish. And way more pages than I hoped it would be. Plus there was that anti-climactic feeling that happens when you finish a draft only to realize you aren’t really finished with anything. So. Much. Revision. Ahead.

But never mind all that, because I finished it. And largely because the last weekend I was working on it my sweet husband ran out and bought me this:


This doesn’t look scary to 90% of people in the nation. This looks normal. But I rarely have soda and avoid caffeine almost always. Exceptions include when I’m driving on a long trip and feel myself nodding off or apparently when I need to crank out 31 pages in an afternoon while under the influence. 31 pages! That’s nothing to sneeze about!

Thank you, Dr. Pepper.

In case you’re interested–no. I didn’t sleep that night at all.

But it was worth it. Novel finished. Whew.