For classrooms using Caminar, I’ll be posting a few interview round-ups over the next few Tuesdays.
Author Linda Phillips interviewed me here. (She has a lovely verse novel out later this year that really blew me away when I read it.) Snippet question:
When do you write best?
I discuss Caminar with Latin@s in Kid Lit here. Snippet question:
The physical layout of the poems adds to the narrative. I’m glad I read this one on paper instead of listening to it on audio. The visual really complements the content. Is that something you consider in the writing phase or is that developed in editing?
You can find another nice interview over at Cynsations. (Bonus: See a picture of a poem in Caminar in first draft.) Snippet question:
As a historical fiction writer, what drew you first–character, concept, or historical period? In whichever case, how did you go about building your world and integrating it into the story? What were the special challenges? Where did you turn for inspiration or support?
Finally, Lisa Maxwell and I talk about opening lines (from Caminar and more) here. Snippet question:
Give us your favorite opening line(s) from a favorite book, and tell us why you love them.
Stay tuned! More interview round-ups next week!