Welcome Back!

Fall is here! Another school year underway! And the blog has been awakened!

Upcoming book news to share:

  • Slickety Quick: Poems About Sharks will be out soon. I believe you’ll see it on shelves starting in March. The artwork is so fun! I can’t wait to share it here.
  • My next verse novel has a new title and a new pub date. Expect to see To Stay Alive: Mary Ann Graves and the Tragic Journey of the Donner Party on shelves in the fall of 2016.
  • And…I’ll have another picture book out with Candlewick in the yet-to-be-determined future. This time a collection of poems about trains!

I’ve been hard at work drafting a new novel this summer and doing lots of fun traveling with my family. I hope your summers were fun and relaxing.

I’m booking school visits now for the upcoming year. You can reach me at info@skilabrown.com if you’re interested in an author visit by me. If your classroom reads Caminar together, I’m happy to do a Skype Q&A for free. Email me for details.
