I’d intended to be back here a month ago, but life. I’ve been helping a son recover from an accident and also trying to figure out what to do with the state of the world. I decided when I started blogging here that this place wouldn’t be personal or political. I’d only talk about literature, books, writing, and reading.
It’s hard not to be political right now.
If you’re grieving for the loss of compassion and kindness in our country–I’m with you. So if my posts are infrequent, it might be because I’m busy carrying a sign or calling congress or maybe because I’m just burying my head in the ground and wishing it would all go away. I imagine there will be days of both.
In the mean time, here’s something non-political. And book-ish. I rearranged one of my kids’ bookshelves for him over the holiday break as a gift. He was thrilled. Spines in line are soothing, right?