Posts By: Skila

Quotable Thursday

I love when someone writes the heck out of a sentence. On Thursdays, I try to post some of my favorites.

two boys

“Good company is the enemy of sleep.”
~David Levithan’s Two Boys KissingRead More

How a Critique Group Should Run

For the past two Tuesdays, I’ve been talking about critique groups. What makes a good one. How to find one. And this week: How It Should Run.

So the obvious disclaimer: there are plenty of ways to run a critique group. I’m not advocating that what follows is the only … Read More

Quotable Thursday

I love when someone writes the heck out of a sentence. On Thursdays, I try to post some of my favorites.


“I believed with all my heart that the world progressed one wish at a time.”
~Megan Jean Sovern’s The Meaning of MaggieRead More

Finding a Critique Group

Last week I talked a little about what makes a group critique group. Today, I’m going to address how you go about finding a critique group. Here are five ways to get started.

1. Check with your local writing center or public library. Can you make a flyer and … Read More