My sister drew my attention to Kiva’s recent round-up of “can’t miss things to do” in Guatemala. Go check it out.

My sister drew my attention to Kiva’s recent round-up of “can’t miss things to do” in Guatemala. Go check it out.
When I do school visits and get the chance to talk in detail about the history of violence in Guatemala, students are always interested to know what happened to the people who committed these crimes. If you’ve been following the trial of General Ríos Montt, you know it’s been a … Read More
In Caminar, Carlos is a kid who survives an act of violence during Guatemala’s Internal Conflict.
Carlos isn’t a real character. But there were kids who really did survive what Carlos lived through. Here are two stories that have made their way into the press, so you … Read More
Sometimes on a school visit, when I’m explaining what was happening in Guatemala in the 1980s, I show this video. It’s a concise explanation of the violence that was happening in the time of Caminar. Warning: Though the testimonies aren’t graphic, they are discussing a time of extreme violence. If … Read More
Bancopoly! My favorite version of Monopoly.
Fun Facts about this game:
1. The houses and hotels are wooden pieces. Love that.
2. When you pass go, you get 220Q instead of $200.
3. The board is rectangular, instead of square. Which means instead of 10 spaces per side, some sides … Read More
Did you know that the country of Guatemala is divided into 22 departments? (Think of it a little bit like the states that make up the United States.)
(Image from here.)
Wikipedia has a nice chart with info on each department. But I love the above map best because … Read More
This is a picture of fiambre. My friend made it for me when I lived in Guatemala. Fiambre is a dish that usually looks more salad-like. (My friend likes to make hers in a broth, so it’s more like a soup.) It’s a deliciously interesting combination of cold meats … Read More
Have you seen a brightly colored Guatemalan chicken bus?
Here’s a great link with lots of terrific photos. (Looks like he has a book too! I need to get my hands on that.)
There’s also a documentary, “La Camioneta”, that is a fascinating look at … Read More
If you’re an adult or older teen, looking for more information about the Conflict in Guatemala and maybe the role that the U.S. played in that violence, look no longer. Here are some titles to get you started:
If you’re looking for a book with vivid photos of a gorgeous country–look no further.